According to a study undertaken by National Statistic (ONS) , September saw 88.4% of Britons are choosing to use a Broadband connection, rather than the aging Dial-up method. Of these connections, 49.2 % are using broadband connection packages of 2MB per seconds and above.
This figure for September is only slightly higher than the June stat of 86.2% - but also shows an increase of 26% over the past 12 months.
These stats emphasis the huge growing popularity that broadband has had on the general public. Broadband, due to its much greater data transfer speeds has given rise to the "New Media" and allowed the general public to stream and download music, films, games and television programs instantly and easily - something that was rarely possible with the much slower dial-up internet connections.
The statics also broke down the broadband connection speeds that UK consumers have signed up to. Of the 88.4 % broadband users, 84.4% are using speeds of between 2-8MB, which leaves just 4% using speeds higher than 8MB.
This take-up of broadband has caused a natural slow-down in the number of new connection packages sold - as the amount of dial-up users has diminished quite drastically.
Currently, in the UK 40% of the population are still to sign up to an internet connection in any way.
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